As far as what happened this week a lot did. We had Elder Ringwood come to our mission and I wasn't able to talk to him about the Hamilton's and Bottema Tile because I got the news a little too late but he is a very spiritual guy. I loved having him come to our mission. He knows everything about the Book of Mormon. It's amazing. We were also able to attend a missionary fireside only if we had investigators and recent converts coming. He gave a really powerful presentation on Moroni Chapter 10 and we went thru all the details. I wrote a lot of notes and the past couple of personal studies I have been marking my scriptures up a lot. Then on Thursday we had a mini zone leader council with him on how we could improve our mission. He said he was really pleased with what was happening. It was a lot of fun to get to talk to him more personally and on a one-on-one basis. Then on Friday we were in charge of car inspections which was kind of fun because now we know what the car coordinator looks for when he inspects vehicles. We are getting a new car at the end of the month but if I get transfered I wont even be able to drive in it. haha
I am getting extremely nervous about this Saturday. I really want to be here. Everytime I get this attatched to an area, transfers comes. Sigh.
Change of subject. We went to a Harry Potter Exhibit today and it was awesome! I was having a blast. It was at the pacific science center which is 5 min from my apartment. Really... It's super close so this made it fun because after our museum tour we were able to take 15 min power naps at our apartment before finishing the rest of our P-day stuff. The exhibit had a lot of things that were used in all the movies and you could see the detail and look at the hard work and effort for the props. You weren't allowed to take pictures so I have very limited pictures. It was highly enjoyable and I was able to learn even more about Harry Potter and the movies.
Thank you for everything! I love you all! Keep being strong
Elder Bottema