It seems I always get the super wealthy companions and I don't know why? He gets an allowance on his mission. $200 extra dollars a month from mom at home and all he wants to do is go shopping. yay. can you sense the sarcasm? On a positive note he his mostly obedient and wants to work and has a lot of ambition to his new area.

Speaking of news I have excellent news! So this 18 year old kid just moved into our ward and he was baptized a 1-1 1/2 years ago in our mission. Well his mom wants us to come over on saturday at 3 to teach the lessons! He also has two siblings ready to be baptized! AND krissy hansen is solid as ever for March 27th. I could have 4 baptisims this month! =) It's so awesome! Every missionary wants to baptize a family. I've already complete one goal of tracting a baptism... how great would it be to accomplish the next one?

As for members I hear a lot about the Olympics and I guess the USA won again. That's pretty cool! You can feel a little more olympic spirit being so close to Vancover. As for the members we live with he pranked them! Our members (actually just brother long, sister long is normal) are psycho! So we bought yarn on P-day and at night after they went to bed we snuck upstairs and made a giant spider web! They laughed pretty hard! But it gets better, after they were cleaning it up sister long tricked brother long to come back downstairs where we were hiding in the laundry room. We waited and waited and when the moment was right we POPPED out of the laundry room and silly stringed him! hahahaha it was so funny! And then sunday morning we ceran wrapped his car. Our next prank isn't for another 5 weeks so we has time to re-cooperate. We did this because he always trys to prank us and he thinks he's real clever. Boy was he surprised. I think our ideas are much more creative.

Thanks for everything and all the awesome mail! I love you all!
Elder Bottema
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