The zone in which I am serving is having major sucess right now while the rest of the mission is struggling. We might be saving their butts! We have a combined zone meeting, not zone conference, tomorrow which experienced missionaries have never had. Our zone leaders informed us that there will be some changes in the mission and we will all be informed by the end of Wednesday. Im curious but anxious at the same time. It could be changes I like or changes I don't like... obviously. Opposition in all things! haha great.. now im laughing at myself thru my own missionary jokes.
Easter was great! I had a really good dinner with an awesome traditional easter bunny cake. It reminded me of my baseball cake when I turned five years old. I still remember that event quite well. Im so happy I have a good long term memory.
This will be an interesting transfer being with someone I honestly.. deeply dislike. Let's see how far I can go without breaking one of the 10 commandments. Just kidding. Time to run. Got to finish grocery shopping with the other missionaries. Love you all!
This will be an interesting transfer being with someone I honestly.. deeply dislike. Let's see how far I can go without breaking one of the 10 commandments. Just kidding. Time to run. Got to finish grocery shopping with the other missionaries. Love you all!
Elder Bottema
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