Yes, my thoughts were correct. Why would I be getting a car again? Maybe because we are covering two wards. My new companion is Korean speaking and he is from Bountiful, Utah and was at the MTC for 11 weeks. Poor guy. Training is difficult but so rewarding. Being a district leader trainer adds a whole other section of busy-ness. I have less study time, more meetings to prepare for, more meetings to attend, and required to teach MORE lessons. What the freak? How do zone leaders have time to train?
Bro. Long has been especially nice which is out of character for a new missionary because he like to intimiadate, but I think he's just as excited as I am to have a new missionary. Especially since he and Elder Merrill were in some type of fight everyday. No exaggeration. He has been so giving and kind, as well as my new companion. The first thing he said to me is, "I'll do whatever you train me to do. " ahhhhhh the heavens have opened! Talk about a humble companion. President Moffat had him read charity and love from the chirstlike attribute section of preach my gospel before he assigned me as a trainer. I don't know why because he is the most charitable companion I've served with thus far. I love this guy to death! I honestly wish he knew. I understand where the slang comes from when missionareis call theire traines sons because it kind of feels that way.
As far as baptims go we are preparing for Alex's baptism on June 5 and her interview is tomorrow at 4:00 P.M. She is awesome! I love teaching her. She is going to BYU Idaho next fall. We are still teaching Cory and are going to put 2 more people on-date. We were going to do it last week but the appointments fell thru. We will press on!
Okay as far as that goes no other news here. I'm only writing my blog because My new companion needs to set up his new address. Thanks for everything!
Elder Bottema
Monday, May 24, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In other news the weather this past week has been perfect! Rainy in the morning to clean the air and sunny by 11 for us to bike. Life is good. It's rainy right now but I bet It'll clear up by 2:00. Who knows though. It is Seattle.
As far as baptisms go we just started to plan and orgainze Alex Elder's Baptims for June 5th and we are planning on putting a lot more people on-date this week. I'm going to leave my area with a bang. Next transfers is June 29th and I am pretty confident I'll be leaving that date. It's less common to stay in an area longer than 6 months. A lot of great things are happening in the Jovita Creek ward. I'm glad i'll be with Brother & Sister Long another 6 weeks. Speaking of that I hope you enjoyed the pictures of our latest prank. The next one will be a new beginning and a different genere of pranking. We've done this kitchen thing twice now. maybe the bathroom will be next..? Thanks for the news from home. I love you guys!
Elder Bottema
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Mother's Day
This week was very productive as far as finding people. We were able to find 3 new investigators and take 2 of them on a church tour to teach the restoration. Every member needs a copy of PMG. It's written towards missionaries of course but there is a lot of information for members as well. Many of us get caught up in all the deep doctrine and this brings us all back to the basics. The messages we REALLY should be giving our non-member friends.
We had a crazy cleaning insepction from brother Long.... he is really clean. But now our basement looks spotless and I love it since it's usually messy. Hey, I keep my side clean. I get up at 6:30 every morning and make my bed. Does my companion? No, it's usually 7:30- 7:45. Moving on!
We are really working had on an investigator who we can not get to church and it's really frustrating! I don't know what his deal is?! He says he wants to be baptized but if you aren't coming to church then don't count on it. That's an important step. Any suggestions?
We also had interviews on Friday and they went really well! I am praying I'll stay one more transfer and get a new companion. That's my selfish side speaking but if I leave I'll know I'm going where I need to go. It's still kind of a win win situation because I won't have to be with you-know-who for another 6 weeks. YAY!
Okay enough negative talk. I love my mission, I love the people I'm teaching and I loved talking to the family yesterday for mothers day. Sounds like home isn't too bad. The only things I really miss are Disneyland and music. But they are sacrafices I'm willing to make. Alright I'm done writing nothing exciting. Thanks for the support. I'll write next tuesday since next week is transfers and preperation day is on Tuesday. The mission office also starts holding mail on Friday and sends it out again on wednesday. There is your tidbit of information for the week.
Till next time,
Elder Bottema
We had a crazy cleaning insepction from brother Long.... he is really clean. But now our basement looks spotless and I love it since it's usually messy. Hey, I keep my side clean. I get up at 6:30 every morning and make my bed. Does my companion? No, it's usually 7:30- 7:45. Moving on!
We are really working had on an investigator who we can not get to church and it's really frustrating! I don't know what his deal is?! He says he wants to be baptized but if you aren't coming to church then don't count on it. That's an important step. Any suggestions?
We also had interviews on Friday and they went really well! I am praying I'll stay one more transfer and get a new companion. That's my selfish side speaking but if I leave I'll know I'm going where I need to go. It's still kind of a win win situation because I won't have to be with you-know-who for another 6 weeks. YAY!
Okay enough negative talk. I love my mission, I love the people I'm teaching and I loved talking to the family yesterday for mothers day. Sounds like home isn't too bad. The only things I really miss are Disneyland and music. But they are sacrafices I'm willing to make. Alright I'm done writing nothing exciting. Thanks for the support. I'll write next tuesday since next week is transfers and preperation day is on Tuesday. The mission office also starts holding mail on Friday and sends it out again on wednesday. There is your tidbit of information for the week.
Till next time,
Elder Bottema
Monday, May 3, 2010

This week we also went to the temple and I did baptims for the dead. That was a lot of fun! We also had leadership training in Renton on wednesday and that was the craziest day! We were so busy running around like crazy people! I get to give some more baptisimal interviews and I am only 4 weeks away from Alex's baptims. Cory is coming along but we are pushing his date back because he needs a little more time to prepare. However, he is still progressing and doing such a great job at getting his feet wet in the gospel. :) Sorry to make this so short but I really gotta run! Love you all for the support!
Elder Bottema
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