In other news the weather this past week has been perfect! Rainy in the morning to clean the air and sunny by 11 for us to bike. Life is good. It's rainy right now but I bet It'll clear up by 2:00. Who knows though. It is Seattle.
As far as baptisms go we just started to plan and orgainze Alex Elder's Baptims for June 5th and we are planning on putting a lot more people on-date this week. I'm going to leave my area with a bang. Next transfers is June 29th and I am pretty confident I'll be leaving that date. It's less common to stay in an area longer than 6 months. A lot of great things are happening in the Jovita Creek ward. I'm glad i'll be with Brother & Sister Long another 6 weeks. Speaking of that I hope you enjoyed the pictures of our latest prank. The next one will be a new beginning and a different genere of pranking. We've done this kitchen thing twice now. maybe the bathroom will be next..? Thanks for the news from home. I love you guys!
Elder Bottema
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