Alex's baptism was amazing this week! There were 60 people there. We had to open the overflows in the primary room and setup more chairs. We had a musical number for the intermission and it was sooo good. There were non-members there, investigators, and her family. They all came to her confirmation on Sunday as well. We had an excellent week. What was even better is after the baptism we were invited to a graduation party from the bishop. There were a lot of kids there just a year or two younger than me and we talked a lot about the church and missions (and of course Disneyland). I invited them to come to church on sunday and here is the crazy part. They did! A bunch of graduating seniors came to church on sunday! haha it was so cool! So this past week has been a lot of fun and we accomplished a lot.
My companion is so great! Honestly not one thing has annoyed me. Not one. I have tried to think about something and I can't. I've never had a happier length of time on my mission. I've had awesome days and awesome weeks but this has been the best length of time. These last two weeks of the transfer are going to be packed busy. Leadership training this week on wednesday, district meeting Tuesday and interviews the week after. I have to plan district meeting obviously and conduct in leadership training so tonight and tomorrow are going to be long hard nights planning for these meetings. Much to do. Hope all is well. Still grey and rainy in Seattle. Everyone here says July 5th to September 30 is the best weather. I am counting down to the days of sun. The only sunny day since May 18th was June 5th... the day of Alex's baptism. :)
Good luck at home and much thanks!
Elder Bottema
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