Hello my fellow readers! This week was awesome as far as finding people to teach AND my companion cleaned the bathroom. It was great. We get along pretty good. The only bad thing is he's extremely messy and dirty but I convinced him to clean the bathroom so now the two most important rooms in the appartment (kitchen and bathroom) are clean. YAY!
Okay back to the important things in life, we found 3 new investigators this week up on campus and they are all awesome new investigators. Finally! I am so sick of contacting people all day. I want people to teach! My prayers have been answered. We have a lesson with one of them tonight at 7:00 so thats pretty exciting and wednesday our schedule is crazy. We will contact for probably 35 min in the morning and then we have a lesson at 11, district meeting from 12-2, lesson at 2:30, lesson at 4,5,6 and our meeting with the stake president at 8 for RMA's which stands for report mission activity. Its basically a bunch of key indicators and what the ward needs to improve on, what their strengths are, ect. Our stake presidnet is probably the coolest guy ever. He has been the stake president for 8 years and he is 67 years old. He looks like he's 55 though and he lives in magnolia which is right outside downtown Seattle.
Oh speaking of downtown Seattle, we actually had a dinner last night which is a rare occasion in the singles ward and it wasn't even with the single students. It was with the Strongs (brother strong is the 2nd counsler) and they live in the heart of downtown Seattle in these really cool appartments. She made the best dinner ever and just made it up. It was a mixture between lasuana and enchiladas with chips and homemade salsa. Oh geez it was delicious.
As far as other news goes I don't really have anything to report on except that I love my new mission president and we are all getting new cell phones the first week of August. This is big news for us since our routines are so robotic. Especially since you hear the same alarm and ringtones everyday all day this will be new entertainment to missionaries. Good luck with your home affairs. I love you all!
Elder Bottema
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