This week (I'll just start with the meat because its more fun to talk about) we had a wonderful woman who was a self referral come to church the last couple of weeks. She entered in her information on mormon.org and asked for missionaries. She was on-date for baptism for the 9th of April but is now being baptized on the 26th of this month! She and the ward wanted her to be baptized sooner because she is so amazing. So this week we will be having a very long lesson teaching all the lessons (basically) and then having her interview, then baptizing her! She is from Mexico and is an outstanding person. She called us on the phone this morning telling us she wanted to be in this church forever and she wants to serve and love others. She walked up to the Relief Society President and asked for assignments and who needed help in the ward. She will be a blessing and asset to this ward. Oh how I love Federal Way.
We also found many more Marshallese people and have dug in our heels a little deeper with that community. Today we conferred the Aaronic priesthood to a couple of our recent converts and some who were baptized a few years earlier. It was the first time doing it for me and I did a 100% perfect job. I remembered all the key phrases and everything. It's not like it's all that hard. There are only five steps but I feel more comfortable doing anything in the church now. I don't get nervous about anything really. I've been called on enough times in sacrament meeting now, prayers, blessing, confirming, etc etc. Especially calling all those around me to be baptized. Ha Ha! Oh missionary work. No wonder the world thinks we are crazy Mormons.
This week we will be going on split exchanges with the Bellevue zones and Renton zones. I'll be going to Bellevue and the zone leaders are Spanish speaking so I'll be practicing my gift of tongues in this exchange. I'm in Bellevue all the time anyway so its nothing special. I do love this city though. So clean and neat and organized. I love it! Way to rich for me! Maybe one day.
I love the miracles that have happened this week and the things I've been witnessing and learning as a missionary. I had my first 'vision' this week when I was sleeping. I had a dream so clear come to me and my testimony of the Church has grown more. I feel so strong and steadfast. I feel like nothing can stop me in my tracks and I am so greatful for the confidence I have. I love this work and I love being a missionary. Stay safe and strong!
Elder Bottema
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