I have the greatest spiritual revelation come to me, many times in the night and I have begun to experience dreams. I am now keeping a sleep pad (Dream journal) by my bed. I feel so worthy right now and the cleanest I've felt. I have overcome temptations that burdened me in the past, I have developed a true and sincere desire to bring others into God's family. I love it all. It's hard... but completely worth it.
Here is our miracle of the week:
We had two people on-date for baptism this weekend, Katy and Nene, both Mashallese individuals. On Wednesday they fell off date and couldn't meet their goal. We were devastated and talked it over in our companionship studies and our long drives to Bellevue trying to figure out who we could baptize this weekend. We then went and visited another family who are pleasant to the missionaries but have little desire to change or become members. However, they had a child who could be baptized this weekend and they admire the church primary program.
So on Thursday, April 14, 2011 we started planning for this baptism on Saturday at 4:00pm. Everything was going as planned, the members were supportive, on board, and we taught the remainder of the lessons so he could pass his baptismal interview. So we come to find out 10 min before the baptism that our child is not 8, he is 7. He turns 8 in June! The service is set to go, the font filled, our district there with all their investigators... and no baptism. We were devastated, felt embarrassed, and didn't know what to do.
After cleaning up the service and looking at our plans for the rest of the evening we went to Tine and Tiah's home, our recent converts who were baptized in March. After teaching one of their family members Kalani, who will be baptized on April 30th, Tine asked us a question. "How soon can you plan baptismal services?" We explained to her that we could plan them immediately. She went on to explain that a mother and son just moved from the capital of the Marshall islands. The son has taken all the missionary lessons and wants to be baptized. We met the son who was 15 (but looks like he's 12) and asked him, "Would you like to be baptized tomorrow at 7:00pm? He said yes and that he was really excited. He speaks very limited English but loves the church and the gospel. What a miracle. We found him at 7:46pm and baptized him at 7:00pm the next day. A 22 hour find, teach, and baptize opportunity. I love this work!

Elder Bottema
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