What a crazy/ interesting week. My testimony is built everyday in the principle of, the more you sacrifice working in your own area, the more the Lord blesses you. We had a lot of meetings this week with local leaders in Bellevue and leadership trainings in the mission. Therefore we had little time to do regular missionary work again. BUT! We had a girl walk into church yesterday and say these words, "I just flew in from Texas and was going to be baptized this weekend. How can I be baptized?" We have a lesson with her today at 6:00pm with our member dinner who happens to have a daughter her age. Enough said. The Lord is merciful. "Whatever the mind can see, it can acheive..." Elder Ballard
This week to be completely honest, it was a lot of meetings and little prosolyting. BUT we had this awesome miracle. It looks like we'll baptize 3-4 people this month. We've had 2 so far and have three for this weekend but two are a little shaky. This is the best success these two wards have had in a while. We've had one in the singles ward and one in the family ward. Then for this weekend we have two planned for the singles ward (the shaky two) and the miracle for the family ward. So both of our areas are seeing sucess! WHOO! =)
Keep praying for our goals! We need two a month in the YSA ward and at least one a month in the family ward. The more prayers we get the more success we can see as a companionship. I love this work and this ward. Keep the good news coming.
Elder Bottema
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