So are baptism was the baptism from hell. Santan loves me for some reason. Oh my gosh everything went wrong that could've gone wrong. After I got off the phone we had more phone calls of bad news. So we had to find another member to conduct since our ward mission leader couldn't be there, then we had to find someone to fill the font which takes about 3 hours. After finding out that the highline missionaries had a baptisim at the same time as ours (news to us) they said they'd fill up the font since they have a car. So we get to the church at 10:15 and highline isnt there. They forgot. We need white baptisimal clothing... they changed the locks on the doors and we no longer had a key. Do you want to know how we eventually got into the doors? With a butter knife from the kitchen and two credit cards. I was so estatic when that baptism was over. Thanks to members being willing to wake up early the day after christmas we were able to have a baptism.

There were many other things that didn't go as planned such as the person performing the baptism was late!! Oh and the person giving the opening prayer arrived at 12:10. My watch died too at 11:34. So I no longer have a working watch. But the important thing is they made a covenant which was the main goal. This friday will be much much better and far more planned out considering WE will be filling the font and WE will be the only missionaries having a baptism. What a great way to start out the new year? First baptism in the mission! Elder Bottema and Elder Smith.Well as usaul have many things to do. Thanks for being such great influences in my life! Thank you for all the packages and gifts on chirstmas.

Elder Bottema
Talk about a blast from the past. Good memories from Des Moines/ Burien.
ReplyDeleteTalk about a blast from the past. Good memories from Des Moines/ Burien.