So this weeks baptism on January 1st 2010 and 1:00 P.M was so much better than the last one. Everything actually went as planned! Horray for that! The girl we baptized is awesome. She made this Book of Mormon cake (As shown above) and had friends show up that were either not active or not members. It was a good oppertunity for us as missionaries to talk to these people and for them to see that we are actually humans and not robots. I would write a comment someone had about missionaies at the baptism but It's probably not completely appropriate. However I will let you know that it was hillarious!

I am happy to once again be on a regular schedule. The holidays was really stressful for missionaries because it's nearly impossible to find fellowship for lessons and our daily schedules had been changed so often it was hard to move everything around. We are very much in a routine out here. It makes the days go by really fast though because you plan something for every hour of the day from 7:00 A.M to 10:00 P.M. It's crazy how you start thinking. I'll find myself stressed when I have more than 1 1/2 hours of time or my body just knows when I've been at a members house for more than 45 min. Oh and I can't beleive another six weeks has flown by?! Next week is transfers to Preperation day wont be until Tuesday next week. I hope I stay in my area at least one more transfer and then I can be ready to go. I am too involved in teaching here right now and I just got on a members good side.
Oh how could I forget?! I went to Vashon Island this week for a companion exchange with my district leader! This island is the most beautiful island I have ever been on and the missionaries who serve there live in the members guest house on this huge lot this sits on the water. I couldn't study at all because I kept staring out the window. I wish I took more pictures but it's kinda hard when your constantly working. They have a car too so its harder to pull over to take pictures.

Oh and another cool fact! I tracted into this lady who knows Bottema's in Holland! This has happend twice to me now on my mission. This lady moved from Holland five years ago and knew a couple Bottema families. How cool is that? Anyway, I had to share that tidbit of information. Well, next blog could very well be an interesting one.
Thanks for all the support.
Elder Bottema
Well US Bottema's are known world wide!! ;) That is really cool though! I am glad you are having such a great experience on your mission~ I cant wait until you are home but I know you are having fun out there!! :) LOVE YOU ELDER BOTTEMA!