AHHHH!!! I'm leaving Des Monies! I'm so disappointed! We have a baptism next week and we just put another person on date and here I am leaving the best area in the mission! It's so hard to say bye to the members. One of them made me a poppyseed cake and dropped it off at the appartment last night. She heard me talking about how delicious poppyseed muffins are from cosco (that I haven't had since September) and made me a cake! It's the most delicious cake in the world. Another investigator that is on-date for the 20th of Febuary bought me a present and wrote me a card. haha She is getting married on the 31st of this month and then she's getting baptized on the 20th. But even my recent converts... two of them called this morning to say good-bye and it was heart wrenching. This is definatly my low point on my mission. All I feel like doing is curling up in a ball and rocking back and forth in a dark corner. I am very curious as to where I'm getting transfered. You don't find out until you arrive at the most central stake center (which is in Renton, Washington) and they hand you an evnelope telling you who your new companion is and where you will be going. I am anxious to write next week about my new experiences and new area...

I really hope I have another clean companion.
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