Hello fellow blog readers! It was a treat calling home on Christmas as usual and quite strange to think I only call home one more time before I see them face to face. This call home was much different. It didn't feel strange at all and it felt like I hadn't been away from my family for a long period of time. It really helped me refocus on my purpose and to remember that our time as missionaries is short. I heard on the phone from several family members "only 9 more months..." It made my heart sink. Only 9 months left? That's only a school year of time? I get attached to people far more than the average Joe. Its one reason transfers is so hard for me. I don't like all the change of companions and areas all the time.
I like getting to know everyone in my area. It's fun to contact on campus when you see people you talked to back in August and they smile and wave. I hope to see them again because maybe something has been stirring inside them since we've last spoke. I guess to make my statement clear: I do miss my family and will be excited to see them, but my mission is sinking deeper and deeper into my soul. I like the way I'm living and helping others. It is most exciting.

For Christmas this year it was fun opening presents, making a breakfast, and staying in our sleepwear longer than usual. It felt so weird but it was fun for a day. Now that the Christmas holiday is over it's back to work as usual. Last year we didn't do the same proselyting on New Year's as this year. This year our mission president wants New Years day to be a regular finding day in the mission with lessons, church tours, and tracting. I think it's weird but what president says goes. I'm very loyal to my mission president and have realized I have a lot more flexibility when I am. Similar to obeying the commandments and feeling more free.
Thank you for all who sent a Christmas cards. I loved it! Thank you for all the prayers and support you give to me. It helps my mission be more positive. Have a wonderful New Year!
Elder Bottema
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