What an amazing week of hard work and bringing people to the gospel. We found 6 new investigators and put 3 people on-date! We had to pass off 2 because they lived in the other ward boundaries but we have a new one for our area and we still have Jieping for the 22nd of January from the previous week. She is doing amazing! She has already grown so much and they are willing to commit to anything. It's teaching investigators with no concerns. Fun!
We also but Brett on-date for the 29th of January and he is a pretty cool kid. He is a sophomore from UW and he was born in 1990... the best year ever to be born in. We talked to him during finals week and had to wait for him to come back. We had little time and left him a Book of Mormon and committed him to pray about it as he was in Chicago for the Christmas break. He came back and had all sorts of questions that were loads of fun to answer. We've taught him the restoration and the Plan of Salvation and he is progressing wonderfully. Both of our investigators came to church on Sunday and both came to the Friday friendship feast ( a cheap lunch at the institute every Friday) and the opening social at 7 Friday night. He was fellow shipped out of his mind and Jipeing was befriended by the other Chinese students/recent converts. We had such a good week! Everything seemed to run so smoothly and perfect.
We also but Brett on-date for the 29th of January and he is a pretty cool kid. He is a sophomore from UW and he was born in 1990... the best year ever to be born in. We talked to him during finals week and had to wait for him to come back. We had little time and left him a Book of Mormon and committed him to pray about it as he was in Chicago for the Christmas break. He came back and had all sorts of questions that were loads of fun to answer. We've taught him the restoration and the Plan of Salvation and he is progressing wonderfully. Both of our investigators came to church on Sunday and both came to the Friday friendship feast ( a cheap lunch at the institute every Friday) and the opening social at 7 Friday night. He was fellow shipped out of his mind and Jipeing was befriended by the other Chinese students/recent converts. We had such a good week! Everything seemed to run so smoothly and perfect.
We also found out that Elders Clayton and Kearon are coming to our mission to speak on the 22nd but I'm not sure if we'll be able to attend because of our baptisms. Baptisms are much more fun anyway so I wont be that disappointed if I have to miss out. Because of this all the zone leaders are meeting today in Renton to pick up flyers to place in all the chapels in our areas. So this cuts out p-day time. We also are having a lesson mid-day because they couldn't meet any other time. I love this ward/area and gospel!
Thank you for the prayers and wishes. They worked well this week.
Elder Bottema
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