Yes this past week was interviews week and it was fun herding sheep as usual. The missionaries did really well at not hanging out and getting right back to work. Our mission is on a constant improvement and we are seeing wonderful things in the Seattle Washington Mission! We have another General Authority coming this week (Elder Kearon) which always gets the missionaries excited and faith built, 2nd Elder Clayton will be giving us a training this Saturday as well AND we have a baptism! Perfect.
This past week was quite busy and stressful and we had freezing temperatures and snow AGAIN! Oh here is the funny part, we were on exchanges with the assistants last time it snowed and again this time. It wasn't as bad though because over night the temperature changed to 37 F which pelted the four inch snow storm so by the morning it was all slush. We found 4 new investigators again and we are going to keep committing people to baptism. Our Chinese investigator Jieping is excited for her baptism this week and we are as well. She has become so much happier and really got involved with the Chinese group at church.

This brings me to the next exciting part of this blog. We have organized a Chinese gospel discussion group and we are preparing to start a Chinese gospel principles class on Sundays where all the Chinese members from the 3 University wards can attend. This could be the start or foundation of a Chinese branch coming to the North Seattle Stake. Branches are hard to get going but there are some very strong leaders here who speak Chinese and are well educated in the church. One of the teachers for this group was in the former stake presidency of the Redmond Stake which is just outside our mission (It's in the Everett mission) and he is stoked to teach the class. This will be a perfect finding opportunity for us as missionaries. The Chinese culture is ready to hear about the church. I await the day when missionaries are sent there.
I love hearing of the news and I never get sick or tired of letters. =) I love all of you back home and where ever else you may be.
Elder Bottema
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