Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Our Investigators the Sutley's are awesome!!! They took us out to dinner saturday night because they love us! They asked if they could adobt us! haha It's an 84 year old luthern couple and the wife is Japanese. When we brought her a BOM in Japanese she was floored. She talked about how in Japan all they learn is Loyalty, Honesty, and respect and she told us that missionaries have all those qualitys. She is so awesome. Natalie would love her because she is 5'2 and was a fashion model. She still looks like one and she's 84. She still wears custom clothing. But the husband's name is Vance and he served in the Korean war and he wants to be baptized!

Oh and on Sunday this random lady walks in to sacrament and says "I want to be baptied into this church." She's getting married in Feb and her husband-to-be is a member. I love when we don't have to do the finding and they just fall into your lap.

So yes this area is awesome and my companion is still awesome! He is going home on Feb 21st and his parents are coming to pick him up. Every time he talks about it I'm a little annoyed because it makes me feel like a mission is a life long thing and I'll never go back to school or anything. haha I'm not mad at him for talking about it. It's my own fault that I think about home.

Anyway zone confernce is tomorrow so if I get any mail I'll get it tomorrow! YAY! Feb 2nd is temple day too so I'm excited for that. I'm actually going to be doing baptisms for the dead because my companion has never done those in this temple and it's his last time so I'll be joining him. I'm excited though since I was able to be a part in the Seattle shut down remodels. I have 100% bragging rights! haha Sorry this blog is not organized. Hope to hear more about life!

I love you all and I promise I'll send pictures next week.


Elder Bottema

1 comment:

  1. John,
    hey! so I've been reading your blog. It's too bad that you didn't get the everett mission because we live in that mission. The sutley's sound awesome! My mother-in-law is Japanese and she is short as well. The Japanese people age so gracefully!
