Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Zone Leader

I know, I was not excited for this call at all late Saturday night but it's true. I am going to be a zone leader but I have no idea where. I'll find that news out in an hour. At least it makes you anxious for the next blog entry right?

So if I'm going to be a zone leader that also means I am going to be transfered. I am horribly shocked, sad, anxious, excited, and nervous/stressed all at the same time. My mind can't focus on all the emotions so it keeps bouncing all over the place like a bipolar basketball. One reason I'm so upset is because I was told I was staying in the area another transfer from the mission president. Well the next day some missionary circumstances arose and president went to the temple and abracadabra! I was called to be zone leader. It really shocked the ward as well because they are transfering us both out. My companion is goigng full time Korean speaking in Bellevue and I am leaving to be a zone leader. The missionaries coming in are extrememly lucky for a white washed area. They have on-date investigators for baptism. 3 Progressing investigators, lessons set-up for the week. A ton of BIG potential investigators, a fully up-dated area book, and a very nice big clean apartment. Not to forget the fact that we had to leave a lot of our food. Grrr!!! It's such a waste of money and trust me, those are sacred funds. We live off of $4.90 a day. So being transfered and having to buy all new food is a hole in the budget. Maybe I'll be doing a lot of fasting.

One more thing. The new mission president is arriving here shortly. In two weeks I just might have met him. Keep posted to the blog. So many events are happening. Thanks for everything you all do and till next time.... I love ya!

Elder Bottema

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