Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Monday, September 19, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Fruits of Labors
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Onward and Upward
Till next week!
Elder Bottema
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Transfer 17
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Week 6
Alright, we are off on another preparation day. Keep up your own missionary work!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Blue Angel Miracles

Yes, the blue angels were in town this weekend and since I was in Bellevue AND Mercer Island on Friday for zone leader council we did see a little bit of their air show. It was pretty exciting/fun.
This week really had to have been a week where literal angels were following us.
Reason 1) We almost died on I-90 traveling to a lesson. We were driving when a diesel had a tire explode, then as we tried to swerve out of the way the diesel looked as though it were about to roll in front of us. It all happened so fast. For some bizarre reason it began to correct itself and pulled to the side. While all this was happening everyone was slamming on their brakes and there was smoke everywhere. We almost slammed into the car in front of us and a Audi almost slammed into the back of us. We prayed!
Reason 2) We had a baptism again! We met someone on Sunday who walked into the church. His name was Bruce and he had a lot of questions about life. As of Friday night he wasn't committed to baptism. On Saturday night we took him to the Bellevue South Stake Center (The building behind the temple) and showed him a temple tour. After that we went into the church and showed him the baptismal font. We talked about the promised blessings and told him he qualified for baptism. He had been to church enough times and been living all the required commandments. We said at 5pm, "Bruce, you still have the opportunity to be baptized this evening at 7pm, what do you say?" He said, 'Well.... I guess I don't see the reason why not. I really want those blessings." WHOA!! We began filling the font, took him to the chapel to pray and called a member of the bishopric. The baptism consisted of Elder Flygare (My MTC companion who is now with us because of transfer complications) Elder Welch, myself, our recent convert Brittany, and Brother Marcia.
Reason 3) Saturday was Elder Flygare's birthday and I told him to find someone to baptize for me on my birthday. Well on Sunday while he was attending Church a part-member family walked up to him and asked, "I'd like to be taught and join the church. I'm ready now. Can you teach me?" WHAT! I thought you were a member?!?! She was put on-date for August 19th. The day after my birthday. I am so excited! I love baptisms! I need 6 more baptisms to reach my goal. Please continue to pray for me. I can see the miracles daily.
This week we set a goal for ourselves to challenge 5 people to baptism and be successful. We need to really fill our teaching pool as well as the Bellevue zone. We have fallen to 5 people on-date for baptism. Half were baptized and the other half dropped the missionaries. I would love all the help I could get.
Reason 4) Starting this week our mission is making our mormon.org profiles. We will be spending an hour each week on mormon.org becoming more familiar with the website and making profiles. We have been instructed to NOT wear missionary clothing and to NOT call ourselves Elders or Sisters but to use our full real name. Weird. Also, we are each receiving portal DVD players for each companionship to use in our morning studies. We will also be receiving the mormon.org DVDs showing the current videos on the website. The church is going all out with technology. If we don't abuse the privilege of the DVD players we will all be issued IPads for each area/unit in the mission. I never thought the church would allow this for missionaries but we need to accept the fact that this is the way the world is moving and door to door approaching is becoming less socially acceptable.
Great and exciting things are taking place in our mission. Not only do we have Elder L. Tom Perry coming on the 19th, we have the missionary department from mormon.org coming to our mission August 29th-31st to train us on the website even more and prepare us for the amazing results that will begin to happen. Then Kieth R. Edwards of the seventy is coming September 15th and 16th to do a mission tour. Then the missionary department is coming one more time the end of September to make sure we understand the mormon.org training completely. Starting October 1st is the media blitz and I will be going on my way home just as the fun begins. I am grateful to be the foundation of such a great cause though. I'm still trying to extend one transfer so I can be a part of this great work and excitement. Thank you for the prayers.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The Power of the Holy Ghost

This week we had two baptism. Jennifer Johnson in the Bellevue 1st ward and Scott Carins in the Bellevue 8th (YSA) ward. They both enjoyed their service and church this past Sunday. After Jennifer received the Holy Ghost , she was so happy and joyful. I wish every member in the church could see the joy that comes from conversion and that wickedness never was happiness.

This week we also received some awesome news! Coming to the Seattle Washington Mission starting October 1st is a mormon.org MEDIA BLITZ!! Imagine every taxi, bus, billboard, t.v commercial, local ads, news papers, and vendors. We are the second mission in the world to have a media blitz which is completely different than some advertising here and there. A media blitz is EVERYWHERE in our mission boundaries. How exciting this will be. Whatever our mission is lacking to achieve its goal of 1000 convert baptisms, this will take it there. They started the media blitz in the New York New York mission due to the Book Of Mormon play on Broadway. I assume they are doing it here, far on the west coast, because New York is far on the east coast. Maybe the church wants to start on each side of the country and work inward.
When the prophecy came about that we needed to be in all the world, it never said physically. I feel the Internet is one way to accomplish this design. I am always excited to be a missionary but its going to be interesting what happens within the next two years. Till next week....
Elder Bottema
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Good News!
Second, Elder Perry is coming to our mission again! He came my first transfer and he is coming 2 days before my last transfer! Its another combined mission meeting as well. He is speaking to the Tacoma and Seattle Missions. 500 Missionaries will be attending at the Federal Way Stake Center, I believe. He is coming August 19th (the day after my birthday) and then Elder Keith R Edwards is coming to speak to our mission September 15th and 16th. I have a feeling we will be increasing in convert baptisms even more. =)
I would like to ask you all again to be praying for our yearly goals. 12 convert baptisms in the 1st ward and 12 in the YSA ward. We have a goal of 2 in July, 2 in August in the family ward and 1 in July, 2 in August in the YSA ward. We need all the prayers we can get! We have invited the wards to do it with us each week, especially the ward council and have had the stake president pray for it as well.
This past week was busy as usual but this week is even busier! We are completely booked from 9am-9:30pm tomorrow and 10am-9pm on Wednesday and our Thursday is mostly filled. Saturday is completely booked already too and its only Monday. There are tons of good things happening in the land of Money. Thank you for your constant prayers. We have been fasting and praying to achieve what the Lord wants. I wake up everyday pretending its my last day and think to myself, "If I ended my mission after today's work would I feel accomplished? Would I feel like I did what I should have done?" It keeps me diligently moving forward and working hard. If I could do my mission over I would've asked my self this question everyday. However, I just thought of it this week. Oh well. These last two months will be epic!
I love life. Thank you as always. I'll be alive 21 years as of August 18th 2011. These past two have been the quickest. I wish it would slow down just a little bit. Every week Sunday comes and it just makes me twinge. Where did the week go?
I love you all,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Transfer Council?
A) Two baptisms in the Bellevue 1st ward in July and 12 baptisms for the year.
Monday, June 20, 2011

Keep praying for our goals! We need two a month in the YSA ward and at least one a month in the family ward. The more prayers we get the more success we can see as a companionship. I love this work and this ward. Keep the good news coming.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Bellevue is Money. The wards here are Money. Everyone has Money. The cars are all Mercedes, Lexus, Audi, you name it. I am so desensitized by all the fancy cars. I've driven past many Maserati and Rolls Royce dealerships. Yep.... talk about money here and you're in. We as missionaries fit in so well in Bellevue. This is one of the only places I don't get started at when I walk into the grocery store or when I walk around outside because, everyone is wearing a suit or a collared shirt! We met a referral who lives in Bellevue Towers. The most expensive condos in downtown Bellevue with 600 square feet studios starting at $349,000. I wish I took pictures. He lived in a one bedroom one bathroom condo but it is so luxurious I can't even describe it. You should see what people wear at the parties here Friday nights. I feel like I'm in a movie.
We had a baptism this weekend in the Bellevue 8th (YSA) Ward. His name is Favian and he is a fantastic young man! He is 19 in August and has been investigating the church for a very short time. He gave up so much to become a member including moving out of his apartment to find better friends and giving up a serious relationship. I am still busy with many of my Assistant responsibilities because I am helping the new ones adjust. I still will need to help at transfers because they have NO IDEA what is to be done. It'll be interesting. It still feels nice though because I am not responsible for any of the mistakes! Glorious!
I love all of you and everything you are doing for me. Keep praying for my goals (11 baptisms to go) and the success of the Bellevue zone. I want all of my missionaries to experience the same miracles I've seen. Have a wonderful Week.
Elder Bottema
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Transfer 15
I am being transferred out of the Federal Way Ward in the Federal Way Stake and moving up to Bellevue. I will be living in downtown Bellevue and laboring among the members in the Bellevue 1st and 8th wards (Bill Gates lives in the 1st ward boundaries). I will be "white washed" in as a zone leader with another new zone leader. White wash means both those missionaries are leaving and two new missionaries are coming in. Elder Bunton is staying in Federal Way and getting an experienced Zone Leader companion. They are going to accomplish great and wonderful things. I know what I want to accomplish in Bellevue and I am already scheming up some ideas. So this means there are going to be two brand new Assistants in the mission who are going to know nothing! So I have also been called as a 3rd Assistant, or in other words, the Assistant to the Assistants. I will still be coming into the office for the next six weeks training them on their responsibilities and helping them fulfill their roles. It’s defiantly going to be a challenge but I know it's what needs to happen.
Our mission needs to culture more obedience and hard work, which lead to miracles. Therefore, President is spreading it around the mission. My new companion and I will set stretching goals to involve our zone more than ever before. Our mission came just short of 100 convert baptisms for this month. We still have two days left and we need 10 more baptisms. I hope 10 companionships rise to the occasion.
I have such a strong belief in the Church and its restored gospel. I have seen my mind open up in ways I never thought possible. I am beginning to receive "treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures." I can't explain it in words and it's very personal to me but I am so grateful I have been privileged to feel my Savior's love. I know this is what I am supposed to be doing in my life right now. I know this is true and that listening to the prophets brings happiness. I love my area, investigators, recent converts, and members.
Elder Bottema
Elder Kikutchi & Zone Conference
What I have developed is a love for hard work. I know... strange. I Can see myself accomplishing so much more with my time on my return home and occupying myself with uplifting and wholesome things instead of wasting so much time on Facebook, computer games, reading pointless books, etc. I have such a more detailed focus on my life ahead and I am going to make sure I do everything to accomplish it. 4 months left in the mission field... I need to work harder! I'm still 13 baptisms away from my goal of 45. I pretty much need to baptize someone every week till I go home to reach that goal. It'll be done! I love this mission and the life lessons I'm learning. I'm still hungry all the time - force fasting because we literally don't have time to eat. I'm surprised I'm not dead yet. I love you all.
Elder Bottema
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
2 More
The next baptism was Anthony Vanhorn, who I taught 15 months ago in the Jovita Creek ward. He couldn't get baptized until he was 18 and I was able to be here when he made that turning point. His baptism was the most powerful and emotional service I have ever been too. The room was PACKED with 60+ people and everyone was so anxious and excited to finally see Anthony be baptized. He has been waiting so long and often said, "I can't wait to be baptized!.. 48 more days, 22 more days, 76 hours, 4 1/2 hours!!" My favorite line was, "I can't wait to wear that badge on my chest." As he stepped into the font with his best friend Jordan Grisham, you could see the realization in his face that he was actually here, making this step he has waited so long for. Everyone in the room was silently sobbing and you could feel the strongest presence in the room. Bishop Bennion from the Jovita Creek Ward is going to be a huge blessing to Anthony. This ward is going to be blessed because of this one person. He has already been asked to speak at Stake Conference and was ordained to the priesthood. Next week he will have the privilege of blessing the sacrament. I love seeing the conversion in people's eyes and the sacrifices others make to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He had no family support at his baptism.
I often reflect back on my opportunities and the childhood I had. I am so excited I made this decision to come on a mission. I understand so clearly why we areencouraged so strongly to serve. This is a life changing circumstance and my entire perspective of what matters most has changed dramatically. You begin to see things for what they really are, and treasure the important things in life. Thank you everyone for being supportive on my decision to serve a full-time mission.
Monday, April 18, 2011

I have the greatest spiritual revelation come to me, many times in the night and I have begun to experience dreams. I am now keeping a sleep pad (Dream journal) by my bed. I feel so worthy right now and the cleanest I've felt. I have overcome temptations that burdened me in the past, I have developed a true and sincere desire to bring others into God's family. I love it all. It's hard... but completely worth it.
Here is our miracle of the week:
We had two people on-date for baptism this weekend, Katy and Nene, both Mashallese individuals. On Wednesday they fell off date and couldn't meet their goal. We were devastated and talked it over in our companionship studies and our long drives to Bellevue trying to figure out who we could baptize this weekend. We then went and visited another family who are pleasant to the missionaries but have little desire to change or become members. However, they had a child who could be baptized this weekend and they admire the church primary program.
So on Thursday, April 14, 2011 we started planning for this baptism on Saturday at 4:00pm. Everything was going as planned, the members were supportive, on board, and we taught the remainder of the lessons so he could pass his baptismal interview. So we come to find out 10 min before the baptism that our child is not 8, he is 7. He turns 8 in June! The service is set to go, the font filled, our district there with all their investigators... and no baptism. We were devastated, felt embarrassed, and didn't know what to do.
After cleaning up the service and looking at our plans for the rest of the evening we went to Tine and Tiah's home, our recent converts who were baptized in March. After teaching one of their family members Kalani, who will be baptized on April 30th, Tine asked us a question. "How soon can you plan baptismal services?" We explained to her that we could plan them immediately. She went on to explain that a mother and son just moved from the capital of the Marshall islands. The son has taken all the missionary lessons and wants to be baptized. We met the son who was 15 (but looks like he's 12) and asked him, "Would you like to be baptized tomorrow at 7:00pm? He said yes and that he was really excited. He speaks very limited English but loves the church and the gospel. What a miracle. We found him at 7:46pm and baptized him at 7:00pm the next day. A 22 hour find, teach, and baptize opportunity. I love this work!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Short Entry
As a recap for this week we put 7 more people on-date for baptism, all in April! =) We had two miracles fall out of heaven and we will be teaching another Marshallese family. I love the Marshallese culture. Everyone we are teaching is Marshallese except for one who is African American. I've determined that Americans are spoiled and have fallen into the celebrity lifestyle of selfishness. These other cultures have two things most Americans often lack - charity & time.
I love you all and thank you for the support. I greatly enjoyed General Conference this week. I guess I'll be getting married sooner than I thought. HAHA - BYU here I come! I am using it for exactly what the stereotype is.
Elder Bottema
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Week of Miracles, Faith & Hope
Tine and Tiah were found through our recent converts and are so spiritually prepared. They actually took all the lessons in Portland, moved to Seattle and didn't know where the church was so never came. When we originally talked to Tine and Tiah and set their baptismal dates for April 9th they said they just wanted a refresh of the lessons and then they'd be baptized. When we had a lesson with them Thursday evening around 7:00 pm they were so receptive to our message. We were teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ (lesson 3 in Preach My Gospel) Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Holy Ghost, Enduring to the End. When we were talking about baptism we asked, "Are you still working toward your goal of April 9th? They looked at us and said, "is it too late to be baptized this weekend with Belen Baker? We were talking about it earlier and we thought, what are we waiting for?"
Belen Baker was contacted the end of February or beginning of March. She was a self referral through Mormon.org. She went to Church In Mexico with a friend 20 years ago and still remembered to this day the feeling of being part of a family. Her date was also originally set for April 9th and she asked to be baptized sooner. She said, "I love this church and I want to be in it forever! I love my family! I want to serve and hold babies and make Mexican food for everyone... and i make my food by scratch!"
These three individuals have been huge testimony builders for me. I gave the most heartfelt prayer of gratitude to God and have made promises with him to do better in my personal life. I want to develop a greater relationship through prayer with him and overcome my final temptations of Pride and patience.

I am in my mind frame of I never want to go home but I can't wait for summer and being released. Ha Ha. I am having too many great experiences out here as a missionary and it seems to be going by faster and faster. Everyday I keep telling my self and more so today, "Elder Bottema, enjoy this moment, because ever too quickly it'll be gone." I've said that to myself over and over because I am trying to enjoy every moment and not miss a single event or opportunity. I love my mission, I love Seattle, and most of all I love God. God be with you till we meet again.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Week of Miracles

We also found many more Marshallese people and have dug in our heels a little deeper with that community. Today we conferred the Aaronic priesthood to a couple of our recent converts and some who were baptized a few years earlier. It was the first time doing it for me and I did a 100% perfect job. I remembered all the key phrases and everything. It's not like it's all that hard. There are only five steps but I feel more comfortable doing anything in the church now. I don't get nervous about anything really. I've been called on enough times in sacrament meeting now, prayers, blessing, confirming, etc etc. Especially calling all those around me to be baptized. Ha Ha! Oh missionary work. No wonder the world thinks we are crazy Mormons.
This week we will be going on split exchanges with the Bellevue zones and Renton zones. I'll be going to Bellevue and the zone leaders are Spanish speaking so I'll be practicing my gift of tongues in this exchange. I'm in Bellevue all the time anyway so its nothing special. I do love this city though. So clean and neat and organized. I love it! Way to rich for me! Maybe one day.
I love the miracles that have happened this week and the things I've been witnessing and learning as a missionary. I had my first 'vision' this week when I was sleeping. I had a dream so clear come to me and my testimony of the Church has grown more. I feel so strong and steadfast. I feel like nothing can stop me in my tracks and I am so greatful for the confidence I have. I love this work and I love being a missionary. Stay safe and strong!
Saturday, March 19, 2011

This transfer was also much better because we were able to get all the departing missionaries to the airport and greet the new missionaries whose airplane arrived on time. We have a great group and our compliment on missionaries rose so we now have 101 companionship's in our mission and this is not including senior couples. We were able to split a couple more areas and our ward now has two sets of missionaries. Elder Bunton and I and the sisters. Sister Furugen from Japan (who served on UW with me) and sister Mohammad from Utah (whose dad is Muslim and from Pakistan). Her dad was never a member but her mom is and she is here serving a valiant mission. Good luck doing family history!
Our ward is loving the attention of two sets of missionaries and especially that one of the companionship's is sisters. The Federal Way ward is great. They just get it when it comes to missionary work. That is why this ward is so blessed and runs so smoothly because missionary work is the number one priority. We continued to put people on-date for baptism this week and find new investigators.
I love seeing the work unfold here. Most of our baptisms are coming from the Marshallese culture and there are many families here. I think one of the reasons they are so interested in the gospel is because families are so important to their culture and since the church is so strongly for families that rings true to them and attracts them to learn more. Basically, once one family gets baptized, they all get baptized because they bring everyone to church. If we help with the process then it gets accomplished.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Zone Conference Week

The third day of conference was moved to the upcoming Monday (tomorrow) because of a snow storm in Seattle. It broke a new record considering how late in the year it is to snow. Especially because Seattle doesn't usually get cold enough for snow. It's been a strange year of weather in Seattle. Then on Friday we had the usual conference which was the most normal. I was conducting and made so many mistakes it was unreal but now I'm more prepared for Monday's zone conference. Thursday is transfer board council where we decide what happens for transfers, Friday is zone leader council, and Saturday from 6-11 p.m is announcement for transfers and calls. So the only full days we have to do normal missionary work is Wednesday and partly Saturday.
Our baptism this week was great. The last of a family member to be baptized. Now the entire family are members. They have some non-member cousins that live in the same household that we are going to commit to baptism in March. I can't believe I've already had four baptisms here and we have another four coming up in March. It seems the more my mission goes by the more people I help come into the waters of baptism. It's partially because of my companion and all the help he is and everything that the ward does. I've been very blessed recently.
Our mission continues to do great things. We have put 50 people on-date for baptism again this week and it looks like we are going to baptize 100 people in the month of March which would be a new record for the Washington Seattle Mission. The difference is this time we are already putting people on-date for April and we are consistently finding as we are teaching which is leading to increased baptisms and continual success. I love seeing the mission from the position I'm currently filling. I'm going to ask if I can be released as an assistant and re-assigned as a trainer. I feel like I've accomplished what I was supposed to do here. We'll see how President feels.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Another Amazing Week!

This week we had the baptism of Junior (Nathan) Note. He was a husband of a part member family and now the family is no longer part member and their oldest sons birthday is March 16th in which he is turning 8. If only you could meet the best/ most wonderful people I get to associate with each and every day. I am reaping the blessings and you can read it along these lines. I challenge you to look for opportunity's this week in which you are a blessing to someone. Find that person or stranger who needs something more such as a smile, a compliment, or a message from the spiritual life that brings you happiness. You'd be surprised to find how happy it makes you. Sacrifice for those you love is what turns into love and it no longer becomes a sacrifice. The only reason we hesitate to sacrifice for others is because of the sting we are afraid to feel. Soon thereafter, or, the more you do it, the sting leaves, and your soul is filled. You can choose which road you take.
I love you all with my heart, might, mind, and strength. Continue to make good choices and follow the promptings you feel. I can't express how much joy this week brought me, but know that I am doing well and living a happy fulfilling life. I thank all of you who helped me to get to where I am now. I feel like my progression can never end and that my own charity and love has exploded. It's a gift god has helped me better obtain. I can't wait to fill my soul with more of it. Stay safe, happy, and healthy.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Another Babtism!

Keep in touch,
Monday, January 31, 2011
Assistant to President

So far I have picked up the new missionaries at the airport, dropped off the missionaries going home, dealt with some emotionally draining situations that I have no business discussing on this blog, and eating, maybe 1 good meal a day. It's pretty common for the Assistants to only eat 1 meal because we are so busy. We no longer have preparation days and according to Elder Bunton (my old companion in Seattle North who is my new companion!) we shop after 10:00 Monday evenings. Tuesday we have trainings for new missionaries and trainings for zone leaders on Friday not to mention a baptism on Saturday. PHEW!
To finish what happened in Seattle North, I ended my week with a baptism and I missed Brett's which was this past Saturday. It was horribly disappointing but all in all I feel very accomplished of what I did while serving as a zone leader in that area.

I love you all and I will try my hardest to keep you updated. Stay strong and work hard! Bring people into the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have found in my service as a missionary and my split second week as an assistant that it's all based on love. The atonement, the Earth, God, and the people called to serve. The ward leaders, the mission president, and stake presidents all love the people whom they serve so much,
I love you all x 10,000! Take care.
Elder Bottema
Thursday, January 20, 2011

This past week was quite busy and stressful and we had freezing temperatures and snow AGAIN! Oh here is the funny part, we were on exchanges with the assistants last time it snowed and again this time. It wasn't as bad though because over night the temperature changed to 37 F which pelted the four inch snow storm so by the morning it was all slush. We found 4 new investigators again and we are going to keep committing people to baptism. Our Chinese investigator Jieping is excited for her baptism this week and we are as well. She has become so much happier and really got involved with the Chinese group at church.

I love hearing of the news and I never get sick or tired of letters. =) I love all of you back home and where ever else you may be.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We also but Brett on-date for the 29th of January and he is a pretty cool kid. He is a sophomore from UW and he was born in 1990... the best year ever to be born in. We talked to him during finals week and had to wait for him to come back. We had little time and left him a Book of Mormon and committed him to pray about it as he was in Chicago for the Christmas break. He came back and had all sorts of questions that were loads of fun to answer. We've taught him the restoration and the Plan of Salvation and he is progressing wonderfully. Both of our investigators came to church on Sunday and both came to the Friday friendship feast ( a cheap lunch at the institute every Friday) and the opening social at 7 Friday night. He was fellow shipped out of his mind and Jipeing was befriended by the other Chinese students/recent converts. We had such a good week! Everything seemed to run so smoothly and perfect.
We also found out that Elders Clayton and Kearon are coming to our mission to speak on the 22nd but I'm not sure if we'll be able to attend because of our baptisms. Baptisms are much more fun anyway so I wont be that disappointed if I have to miss out. Because of this all the zone leaders are meeting today in Renton to pick up flyers to place in all the chapels in our areas. So this cuts out p-day time. We also are having a lesson mid-day because they couldn't meet any other time. I love this ward/area and gospel!
Thank you for the prayers and wishes. They worked well this week.